
Beverly MA 01915
voice: 978-921-6100
fax: 978-922-6597
Office Hours:
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday
District offices for the Beverly Public Schools are located in the McKeown Building. Included with offices for the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent are the following departments: Finance & Operations; Personnel; Pupil Personnel Services; Food Services; and Child Welfare, Attendance, Title(s) IX & VI, and Homeless.
Our school district is an excellent place for all students to learn and grow. After student safety, improving student achievement is our highest priority. I am truly proud of what we are able to do for the young people of this community and their families. Our progress as a school system in recent years is evidence that the Beverly community holds education as a high priority. As a result, we are held in high regard both regionally and around the state.
Quality education is achieved only through a partnership of educators, students, parents, and the greater community. As you search this website and learn more about our schools, I encourage you to look for ways you can support the work of our schools and help us achieve our mission "to enable all students to reach their potential through an academically challenging and diverse education".
The Superintendent serves as chief executive officer of the school district and chief advisor to the School Committee. Leadership of the district is through a collaborative approach that involves an Administrative Cabinet and a Leadership Team. The Cabinet is comprised of the Assistant Superintendent, Administrator of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education, Director of Finance & Operations, and Director of Opportunity, Access and Equity, Title(s) IX & VI, and Homeless Liaison. Members of the Leadership Team include the Assistant Superintendent, the seven Building Principals, and the Administrator of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education.